Annual Celebration on November 29, 2022

A unique program for at-risk youth, the peer center staff includes peers who serve as mentors and team workers. These Peer Mentors are young adults age 17 - 26 who are successfully navigating the path from adolescence to adulthood. They assist other peers who are trying to make the same transition by offering their lived experience and support in areas such as life skills, education, employment, and community life.

Peer Support is about helping others navigate the journey to recovery by being fearless enough to share lived experiences with others. Reflecting on her past, Anastacia developed and led a peer community service project, Helping Neighbors in Need. She guided the group in creating care packages that included items she wished she had been given during her time living without housing. This project helped her peers better connect with people in their community while learning firsthand about the healing power of giving. This project remains near and dear to Anastacia. Even as a graduate of the peer center program, as a Fulton Youth Move member, Anastasia still takes time to lead Youth MOVE Fulton in this project and is always finding new ways of helping neighbors in need.